
 16 May 2015

We are just about ready to go.  Just a few things to finish off around the house, said goodbye to everyone and the bags are nearly packed (again).

Off to the airport tonight at 10:30 and wait for the flight at 2:30am Monday heading for Singapore. 

Will post again when we get there.

20 May 2015


Had a great time in Singapore but it was very hot and humid (funny that).  I think I lost a few kilos trundling around the city with Charmaine.

We both agreed that flying at night is not a good way to get some rest as they really stack passengers in.  We were lucky on 2 legs where we got seats in the exit rows and had some comfort.

Marina Sands Towers which encompass the casino

The famous Raffles Hotel - massive place

The Long Bar at Raffles famous for Singapore Slings

The Merlion outside the Fullerton Hotel

20 May 2015


Made it to London OK after a marathon flight.  Could not believe the number of passengers that arrive at Heathrow Airport at the same time.  It took us ages to through Immigration and we were packing it that our transfer driver would disappear before we got out, but all was OK.

Got dropped off at the Curzon Street Apartments which is in Mayfair then had a stroll around having a look at some the most expensive real estate around.  It must be because all of the police walk around in pairs both carrying automatic rifles.

Post more from the other side of the English Channel.

Curzon Street Apartment

21 May 2015

London to Amsterdam

Went for a stroll to the Cumberland Hotel on Wednesday afternoon to register for the European Supreme Tour and discovered that we had to be back at that hotel, ready to board the bus at 4:45am (bugger!!).

Made it with plenty of time and boarded the bus and began checking out the other tourists.  I think we found some playmates.

The morning was absolutely magnificent, not a cloud in the sky even though it was a chilly 5 degrees C.  We drove through the center of London and headed for Dover to board the ferry for the crossing to Calais which was very uneventful and calm.

We powered down the motorway with Enzo at the wheel in a brand-new Mercedes bus - very comfortable.  We travelled through 4 countries to arrive in Amsterdam at approx. 4:00pm.  We are going to a welcome reception tonight which will take place on a boat cruising around the canals of Amsterdam (drinks included).

Gentleman tourist?

Coming into Dover

The white cliffs of Dover

Countryside of Belgium

Royal Palace in Amsterdam

22 May 2015


Had a fair look around the city of Amsterdam and was amazed at how old the place is.  The story of Amsterdam is amazing so you can Google it if you want to know - I’m a tourist not a guide (ha ha).

Went on a dinner cruise around the canals last night and we were served foods for the 12 different regions of The Netherlands - it was all fantastic.  Our waitress must have thought I was her grandfather because she kept on supplying me with drinks - there was a 3-drink limit.

Went to a cheese making farm and clog manufacturing shop to see how it is done and then went on to a typical fishing village north of Amsterdam.  Very nice place.

Fishing village of Volendam just north of Amsterdam

A windmill

Charmaine buying a new pair of clogs at the Cheese and Clog shop.

Gentleman tourist on the canal dinner cruise.

Museum precinct of Amsterdam

24 May 2015

Amsterdam To Mannheim

Massive day today, we were on the road for a long time with a lot of kilometers to cover.  Drove directly to the Rhine Valley through the most magnificent scenery to a small village where we were to board the cruise boat.  Bratwurst for lunch - death by sausage!!.

Cruise began and they were serving steins of beer for 4 euro which is good value.  Had a few of these for the cruise - it was hot. Spectacular scenery on the cruise with a stack of castles everywhere.

After the cruise we drove to Heidelberg which is an old University town- no photos as the camera ran out of gas. After our tour of the old town, we moved on to our hotel at Mannheim, The Rathause, for our included dinner and I’m still hungry.  More tomorrow.

Square in Mannheim

Castle on Rhine River

Scene during Rhine River cruise

Cruise boat

Village where we boarded cruise boat.

26 May 2015

Mannheim To Innsbruck

Once again, we covered a few kilometers today, driving through typical lush countryside.  On our way to Innsbruck, we stopped off at Munich for a quick look around and some lunch.  As luck would have it, the local Munich football team won the premiership the day before and were being presented to the fans in the city hall square just as we were arriving.  Talk about a crazy time - they were going off with the chanting and umpah bands.

We then moved on to the Hofbrauhaus which is absolutely magnificent.  We thought the square was packed; this place was rocking.  To see the waiters carrying around 9 steins in each hand is mind blowing.

After our refreshments we travelled on to Innsbruck which is in the foothills of the Austrian Alps.  It was pleasant to see the snowcapped mountains from our hotel window.  Our tour director recommended that we indulge in a couple of the local treats after dinner which we did.  The first was hot chocolate with a nip of rum - yummy.  The second was a tot of plum schnapps - good for stripping paint.  It was funny to watch the reactions on the faces for the other guys when they had a sip.

Nice jugs

At the Hofbrauhaus in Munich

Cathedral at Innsbruck

Cathedral in Innsbruck

The Inns River. Notice the color of the water caused by snow melt.

26 May 2015

Innsbruck To Venice

Drove through the alps of Austria into the alps of Northern Italy - breathtaking.  Landed in the mainland of Venice and were loaded into water taxis to be dropped off near St Mark's Square.  Had a quick look around with half the population of the world and then headed off for a ride on a gondola.  Very exciting.  The canals are very narrow with lots of low bridges to go under.

After the ride we headed back to the hotel and went out to a local restaurant for dinner.  After dinner the usual suspects had a couple of nightcaps before retiring to bed.  Tomorrow will be a big day of sightseeing.

Our “George Clooney” moment on a water taxi

St Mark's Square

Narrow canal

Charmaine selfie on gondola

Coffee shop in the back alleys of Venice.

Gentleman tourist having coffee.

Fishing village of Burano.

George Clooney’s wedding hotel.

Glass blowing demonstration at Murano.

28 May 2015

More Venice

We took a walking tour through Venice with a local expert who turned out to be a little old lady - born and breed in Venice.  She showed us some very interesting sites off the beaten track which we would never have seen.  We were then left to our own devices have a couple of hours, naturally we proceeded to get lost in the maze of alleys and bridges crossing the canals.

Found our way back to the meeting point and were taken by water taxi to the island of Burano which is a fishing village in the lagoon where Venice is situated.  Had a quick look around and then escorted to a restaurant for a seafood feast with drinks thrown in.

After a couple hours of feasting, we were taken back to our hotel where the party continued for a little while.

28 May 2015

Venice To Vienna

Today we spent most of it travelling from Venice to Vienna with nothing of interest to report. After reaching Vienna we went to a dinner and classical concert in a building where Strauss and Mozart had once performed.  Pretty impressive.

30 May 2015


Made it to Vienna and had a guided tour around the streets by a local expert.  First port of call was the Summer Palace of the former Royal Family which ceased to exist after World War I.  Could not take any photos inside but trust me, this place is very opulent.

The guide then took us around the city center which included a look at the Winter Place.  Couldn’t go inside as the buildings are now used by Government Agencies but, once again, the place was staggering.

We were then given a couple of hours to wander around the city and explore on our own.  The party team hooked up and away we went and amazingly did not get lost.

Dinner that night was at a crazy restaurant just outside of town.  On the way there we passed some fields where Napoleon and the Austrians had a few battles.  It is very hard to imagine all this stuff.  Anyway, we got to the restaurant and had to line up on the opposite side of the street.  When we were all together the waiters rolled the red carpet across the street, held up traffic and in we went.  Inside it looked like somebody was given free rein in all of the junk shops in Vienna and the entire lot covered the walls and ceilings, it was fantastic.

Post later, there are drinks to be had. 

Coffee break near a glacial lake

The back garden of the Summer Palace

Stronbrunn Palace (Summer Palace) of the former Royal Family

Roman ruins outside the Winter Palace

Winter Palace


31 May 2015

Vienna To Budapest

We left Vienna and headed for Budapest.  When we got to the border the old border crossing station left over from the Soviet days was still in place and very depressing.  We had to exchange some of our Euros into the monopoly money they use in Hungary.

We stopped in the small village of Gyor for lunch which was very delightful but struggled with the language and what to eat.  All was well.  Arrived in Budapest and were meet by a local expert guide who took as for a driving tour around the city and stopped of in Hero’s Square where she explained how and by who Budapest was settled and also visited Buda Castle.

Had a buffet dinner cruise on the Danube of some of the local cuisine (I’m a bit worried about getting on the scales).  During the cruise the lights of the city were turned on and it was a magnificent sight.

The next morning, we went on a tour of Parliament House where the crown jewels of the first king are held.  We were not allowed to take photos in this room as they are for sale in the gift shop.

From here we went to a village outside of town where we had a lesson in how to make Hungarian Goulash and then proceeded to have lunch (goulash of course).  We returned to the hotel for a couple of hours rest and then went to dinner at a nearby restaurant.  We lucked out and shared the restaurant with a wedding.  I think the bride and I where related as we both had the same size belly.

After dinner we returned to the hotel for a night cap and were swamped by a bunch of English fellows on a bucks weekend.  They were all dressed as Smurfs - what a hoot.

Gentleman tourist strolling through Gyor

Hero’s Square

Buda Castle and St Stephen’s Cathedral

A couple of tourists at Buda Castle

Parliament House

Chamber in Parliament House

How to make Hungarian Goulash

Hungarian Goulash for lunch

Prettiest coffee shop in the world

The people you meet in Budapest.

1 June 2015

Budapest To Belgrade

Not much to report today as it was spent mostly on the bus.  We departed Budapest at about 9:00am

and stopped at the university town of Szegde for a look around and something to eat.  Got back on the

bus and started travelling again before stopping at a dodgy service station for a late lunch.

Finally arrived at Belgrade at about 4:00pm, got our room, had a few drinks then went to dinner.

We start our sightseeing today so I will post more tomorrow.

3 June 2015

Belgrade To Sofia

The internet is not strong enough to allow me to load photos so I will try to describe what is happening. 

 There has been a heck of a lot of driving for the last couple of days and by the end of the day we are 

very tired.  We are happy to be travelling through these former Eastern Bloc countries but there is no 

way you would live here.

You turn one corner and see some of the most magnificent buildings from ages ago and the next

 minute you come across some of the former Soviet architecture - no comparison.  During our travels

 through the countryside we see massive amounts of agriculture - literally for as far as the eye can see.

The food has been terrific with all of the produce being very fresh.  We stopped in Nis for lunch and a

 look around and I felt like a ham, chess and tomato toastie, placed the order and out it came covered

 in tomato sauce.  Kids would have loved it.  While we were having lunch a little gypsies kid came up to

 the table with his hand out begging for money - apparently it happens all the time.  Hang on to your

 handbag lovey.

The local expert guide took us on a walking tour of the center of Sofia which included all of the

 important churches - what else - former palaces, where the Soviets set up camp etc.  All very

 interesting.  I’ll post more when we get internet.

4 June 2015

Sofia to Kalambaka

Headed off for a massive drive to Kalambaka in Greece for the express purpose to see the monasteries

 built as protection for the Orthodox religion when the Ottoman Empire ruled Greece.  The internet

 connection is not strong enough to upload photos, but these places are a marvel of engineering.  We

 then proceeded to Kalambaka and settled in for the night.

Monastery on top of cliff

Nuns at Nunnery

5 June 2015

Kalambaka To Athens

Left Kalambaka and went to the battle site at Thermopylae - this is where the 300 Spartans held off an

 army.  This story was the basis for the movie 300.  We then went to the Temple of Delphi and were.

 guided around by a local specialist.

This evening, we were taken to a local restaurant in Athens and were treated to local food, wine and


How our driver has negotiated the streets of Athens is beyond me.  There does not seem enough room.

 for the coach plus the cars and the motorbikes.  People tend to park their vehicles anywhere they

 please - wait until you see the photos.

Ruins of Delphi

6 June 2015

3 Day Cruise

Here we go for our 3-day cruise around the Greek Islands. We have become very friendly with a couple

 from New Zealand (Peter and Gail) and a couple from Canada (Wes and Larry).  From the outset of

 the trip we knew that Peter and Gail were going to get married on the cruise ship by the captain.  Much

 to our surprise Charmaine and I and Wes and Larry were invited to be witnesses of the wedding which

 was to take place on the bridge.

Trafalgar put on some pre-wedding drinks on in one of the lounge bars and then it was time for the

 ceremony.  We were escorted to the bridge, and it has been set up with a wedding arch made from

 balloons plus wedding cake and canapes as well as champagne for all.  The Greek captain performed

 the wedding ceremony and the vows were a bit tricky due to the language barrier.

After the ceremony a violinist appeared, and we got to have photos taken around the bridge in which

 the captain joined in.  Then we partied into the wee hours.

Our first stop on the cruise was Mykinos for a quick look around.  When this place was built it was

 purposely built with very narrow streets with lots of deadened as a defense against pirates.  Very nice

 place with lots of shops and cafés and bars.

The ship stopped at Patmos and Crete, but we opted out of those excursions.  Our next stop was the

 Island of Santorini.  As we approach the island from the sea it was like a picture postcard with villages

 perched up onto of the sheer cliffs.  We went ashore by tender boat and boarded a bus driven by

 Mario Andretti for the drive up the switchbacks to the villages.

One half of the villages was a glorified shopping mall, and the other was beautiful hotels that you see in

 the tourist shows.  To go back to the ship, we caught a gondola/chairlift down the sheer cliffs then

 jumped on a tender boat.

Off to Athens for a bit more sightseeing.


Happy couple


11 June 2015

Back To Athens

The cruise is over, and we dock back in Athens to start our guided tour of the Acropolis.  The Acropolis

 is the outcrop of volcanic rock on which several temples were constructed, the most famous being the

 Parthenon.  This is truly a magnificent sight which words cannot describe.

From here we travel across Greece to the port of Patras for the 23-hour ferry crossing to Italy.  This

 would have been a pleasant cruise except for the international gathering of Hells Angels (approx. 50)

 who took over the pool deck.  This made it uncomfortable to be up there, so we mostly stuck to the

 lounges for the crossing.  We finally arrived at Ancona and started our trip towards Assisi to see the

 Basilica of St Francis.

We had an overnighter in Assisi and then headed off to Sorrento where we had a tour of a local farm

 where we saw how cheese was made and how olive oil was produced.  Four of us were selected by

 the Nona running the show to make pizzas out of the produce for everyone’s dinner.  Lucky me I got

 picked.  I have to say that these were the best pizzas I have ever eaten.

We make our way to Rome via Pompeii. 

13 June 2015

Rome Here We Come

Started making our way to Rome via Pompeii where we meet up with a local expert guide.  He

 explained to us what happened when Mount Vesuvius erupted covering Pompeii with bucket loads of

 ash, not lava as most people think.  Mount Vesuvius lost about 4,000 feet in height after the eruption.

  From the time excavation started a lot of items have been pilfered which is a shame.  Let me tell you

 it is bloody hot here.

We had a bite to eat at Pompeii and abided most of the people trying to graft a living by selling all sorts

 of things - they get a bit annoying after a while.  Back on board the coach heading for Rome.  We

 arrived midafternoon and were meet by our next local guide who took us to the Trevi Fountain - which

 is under restoration and the Pantheon which is a stunning building.  As we wandered around the older

 parts of Rome our guide point out lots of stuff of interest.  We were sent off on our own to buy some

 dinner and have a look by ourselves before heading to our hotel.

Next morning we off early to visit the Vatican which included a tour through the museum, the Sistine

 Chapel (no photos allowed) and St Peters Basilica.  Absolutely amazing.

Did I tell you it is bloody hot here.  Back to the hotel for some R&R then out to a flash restaurant for dinner.

Off to Florence today.

Coliseum from 2nd level

Outside the Coliseum.

Inside St Peters Basilica.


14 June 2015

Rome To Florence

Pretty uneventful trip to Florence, just belting up the motorway with nothing significant to report.  When

 we hit Florence the place was pretty crazy because of a game they play only in Florence.  It is a cross

 between soccer, rugby and anything goes.  The city is divided up into 4 areas and they play off to

 determine the winner.  The tour guide told us that about 6 years ago one of the areas employed about

 12 professional boxers to play.  The game started and they kicked the ball out of the square and then

 began bashing the other side.  Apparently, the police had to invade the field to stop the violence.  The

 game was not played again for about 2 years.

We were given a couple of hours free time to have some lunch and a bit of a look around before our

 local guide took us for a tour of the highlights of the city.  The most impressive was a visit to the

 museum where David is kept.  We also saw some impressive churches - ho hum.

For dinner we were taken to the villa of Machiavelli where they have maintained the original furniture

 used by Machiavelli.  They also make some of the best wine in region which they were happy to share

 with us.  The meal was one of the better ones we have had on tour.

It now time to say goodbye to Italy.

St Mary’s Cathedral Florence.

St Mary’s Cathedral Florence.

David by Michelangelo.

Villa Machiavelli.

15 June 2015

Florence To Engelberg

Very long drive on the coach to Engleberg but we arrived around 4:00 pm just in time for a horse and

 buggy ride around the town and out to a farm that makes cheese.  We were given samples of the

 local fare which was washed down with apple tea with a nip of schnapps made from plums.  Wasn’t

 sure about the first couple so I went back for another.

It is very pleasant to move around a small town without somebody trying to sell us selfie sticks or

 bangles etc.  This town is predominately a ski town and is surrounded by ski lifts, there is also a ski

 jump that is used in the world championships every year.  The skiers in the group reckon that the ski

 runs look really good.

We had dinner in the hotel and had an early night.  Off to Lucerne tomorrow.

Tourists on horse and buggy ride

View from hotel
18 June 2015

Engelberg To Paris

This was a drive of 720k and we arrived in Paris with just enough time to get ready and go for dinner

 and a show at the Moulin Rouge.  Fantastic show but the seats were a bit squeezy.

Next morning we were up early to go to the Palace of Versace which is about 20k out of Paris.

  Fortunately, we had a priority entry and got in before most of the other punters.  The crowd lined up to

 get in when we came out was massive.  The palace was worth looking at but, unfortunately most of the

 furniture etc. went missing after the Revolution.

Left there and our local guide took us for a drive around most of the sights of Paris.  We went around

 “that” roundabout a couple of times - I will never drive there or anywhere in Paris for that matter.

We stopped at the Eiffel Tower and went up to the second level - terrific view.  Came back to the hotel

 for some R&R and then went to a restaurant on the Champs Elysees for a farewell dinner as this was

 our last day on tour.  After dinner (8:00pm) we went for a cruise on the Seine to view the lights of Paris.

  Unfortunately, the sun did not set until about 10:30pm therefore no lights.

Charmaine and I have a couple of free days in Paris before we head off to Madrid to start our next tour.  Will keep you updated.

Moulin Rouge.

Palace of Versace.

Eiffel Tower

The Louvre.

19 June 2015

Free Days In Paris

For the last 2 days we have been travelling around on the Hop on Hop Off buses that run around the

 city.  These buses take you to all of the tourist spots and throw in some commentary.  Because there

 are 5 different routes we tended to duplicate some of the trips, but it is OK.

Fly out to Madrid tomorrow.  Let see what’s happens there.

Notre Dame.

Can you spot Tom Hanks?

Mona Lisa. The real deal.

Gentleman tourist hanging with Mona.

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