The Balkans

 We are getting ready for our next adventure with Trip a Deal, heading to Turkiye and The Balkans.  We depart on 12 August and return 5 September.  Following is our itinerary.

Day 1 August 12

First leg: Brisbane to Dubai

Second leg: Dubai to Istanbul

Day 2 August 13

Arrive in Istanbul. Meet at airport by tour leader and taken to our hotel Mayi Hotel and the rest of the is ours to explore.

Day 3 August 14

Istanbul city tour

Mayi Hotel Istanbul

Day 4 August 15

Istanbul to Bursa

Hilton Bursa Hotel Bursa

Day 5 August 16

Bursa to Sirince Village to Kusadasi

Odelia Resort Hotel Kusadasi

Day 6 August 17

Kusadasi free day

Odelia Resort Hotel Kusadasi

Day 7 August 18

Kusadasi - Pergamon Tour - Troy Tour - Canakkale

Troia Tusan Hotel Canakkale

Day 8 August 19

Canakkale - Gallipoli Tour

Troia Tusan Hotel Canakkale

Day 9 August 20

Canakkale to Edirne

Hilly Hotel Edirne

Day 10 August 21

Edirne to Sofia Bulgaria

Ramada by Wyndham Sofia City Centre

Day 11 August 22

Sofia Free Day

Ramada by Wyndham Sofia City Centre

Day 12 August 23

Sofia to Skopje to Ohrid North Macedonia

Hotel Su Ohrid

Day 13 August 24

Ohrid City Tour

Hotel Su Ohrid

Day 14 August 25

Ohrid to Durres to Tirana Albania

Tirana International Hotel Tirana

Day 15 August 26

Tirana to Kruje, Albania to Budva, Momtenegro

Moskva Hotel Budva

Day 16 August 27

Budva, Montenegro to Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hotel Lero Dubrovnik

Day 17 August 28

Dubrovnik Free Day

Hotel Lero Dubrovnik

Day 18 August 29

Dubrovnik to Split, Croatia

Peria Hotel Split

Day 19 August 30

Split to Plitvice

Hotel Palcich Plitvice

Day 20 August 31 

Plitvice to Ljubljana, Slovenia

Urban Hotel Ljubljana

Day 21 September 1

Ljubljana City Tour

Urban Hotel Ljubljana

Day 22 September 2

Ljubljana to Venice Italy

Novotel Venezia Mestre Castellana

Day 23 September 3

Venice City Tour

Novotel Venezia Mestre Castellana

Day 24 September 4

Fly home via Dubia

August 13

Brisbane to Istanbul

Sorry for the late update but we have had some technical issues which are now fixed.

We arrived in Istanbul after more than 24 hours on the move, tired and bedraggled we met up with the tour leader (Ahmet) and were transferred to our hotel. Flying in it was amazing to see how huge Istanbul is (has an unofficial population of approx. 20 million).

We checked in to the hotel, had a couple of beers and some food and hit the sack.

August 14

Istanbul City Tour

Today we were off on a walking tour of the old city of Istanbul. It had to be a walking tour because the bus would not fit. First stop was where the Hippodrome used to be. All of the seating has been removed but you can see where it once was. The Hippodrome was where the chariot races took place. Still standing in the middle of the course are the following structures: the Obelisk of Theodosius, the bronze Serpentine Column and the Column of Constantine.

It took 40 years to move to Obelisk from Egypt to Istanbul, slow going and it sounds like the Brisbane City Council.

From here we went to the Sultan Ahmet Imperial Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque because of the striking blue tiles used to decorate it. On our way here we went past the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque (entry to this mosque was not included).

The next stop was Topkapi Palace, the great palace of the Ottoman sultans from the 15th to the 19th centuries, housing an exquisite collection of crystal, silver and Chinese porcelain robes worn by the sultans and their families.

From here we made our way to the Cistern which was built by the Romans but when the Ottomans took over, they considered getting water from here as offensive and filled it with garbage. About a century ago a Frenchman made the discovery, and it was cleaned out and turned into a museum. The Cistern was used in the films "To Russia with Love" and "Angel and Demons".

After a break for some lunch we went to the Spice Bazaar, interesting but could have done without it. Ahmet arranged for a cruise out on the Bosporus Strait which gave us a good look at the European side and the Asian side of Istanbul.

Back to the hotel and we were all buggered.

August 15
Istanbul to Bursa

Up bright and early and down to have breakfast, plenty of time, no rush. We were heading back to our room to pick up our luggage to take it down to the bus. Got in the lift press 2 for our floor, next thing we know we stop at floor 4 and a half. Nothing is happening and a bit of panic was starting to set in. We had 2 other people from our tour and an Asian family of 5. The phone in the lift didn't work so we hit the alarm bell. The only problem with this is you have to keep your finger on it to keep it working. The mobile phones had hardly any reception and was very sketchy. By this time a bit of claustrophobia was starting to set in, and it was hot and close in the elevator. After about 20 - 25 minutes the hotel employees were able to jimmy open the doors which was a great relief. The only problem was there was a bout a 4-foot climb to get out of the lift. We lifted all of the women out followed by the Asian grandfather then it was the fat fellas turn. I managed to get my arse up onto the floor and had to rely on the employees to drag me out which seemed to be a bit of a struggle. Someone from the tour asked me if I learnt any Asian while we were stuck and yes, I did. When the Asian Grandmother got out of the lift she rounded on one of the employees with "What sort of fucking hotel is this?" All this aside we still made it to the bus on time.

Off we go on the way to Bursa which was the first capital of the Ottoman Empire. Here we had a look through the Green Mosque and the Grand Mosque which are magnificent buildings. We then had a look through the trade center which was basically a silk market with heaps of shops carrying the same products.

After lunch we headed off to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Cumalikizik which is a village that is approx. 500 years old and showcases Ottoman architecture.

While we were on a break at the village, we had a Turkish coffee which was very strong but something you have to do.

August 16
Bursa - Siriince Village Tour - Kusadasi

Today we traveled to Ephesus and stopped off at the Turkish village of Sirince known for its Greek style architecture. We had a look through the village and stopped for some lunch at one of the small restaurants around the village. We left the village and headed for Kusadasi but on the way we made a stop at the Turkish Carpet Centre (for a shopping opportunity). We had been to this exact place previously and spiel had not changed by one word. No sales, so off to the hotel. This was a massive day - 440 kilometers on the bus.

August 17
Kusadasi Free Day

Today is a free day and most people have opted for the optional tour of Ephesus which is a magnificent Roman ruin. As we have been there previously, we decided to have a look around Kusadasi. After a conversation with the receptionist, it was decided to spend the day a Lady Beach, a short cab ride from the hotel. It did not disappoint.

August 18
Kusadasi - Pergamon Tour - Canakkale

Today we head for Canakkale which is a fairly long drive. The original plan was to call into the ruins of the Acropolis of Pergamon and then move on to the ancient city of Troy, but our tour leader felt that it would be too much for one day. So, it was decided to visit Troy the following day.

We hit the cable car for the trip up the hill to Pergamon and started exploring. Apparently Pergamon's impressive temples and library once made it a renowned cultural and political centre.

By the time we had finished exploring we were all hot and bothered and keen to get to the hotel to cool off.

August 19
Canakkale - Troy Tour - Gallipoli

We head off early to get to Troy so we could spend some time at Gallipoli as there had been some wildfires go through and Gallipoli potentially could be closed to tourists, which would be very disappointing.

We arrived at Troy and began our tour. Just inside the gate was a replica for the famous horse and apparently there is no evidence that it ever contained soldiers inside as per the story. You should never let the truth destroy a good story. We could see the remnants of the ancient walls and what has been uncovered by the numerous archaeological digs,

Back on the bus and catch the ferry to Gallipoli. It is still uncertain if it will be open, but we are going to give it a try. We make it to the museum which is open so in we go. The displays are well down and show a lot of respect to both sides of the conflict.

 From here we set off for the battlefields etc. but when we got to the turn off it had been closed. It turns out that the wildfires had uncovered some unexploded munitions as well as some unidentified body parts. So disappointing, we could see some of them but could not get there. We will have to come back some other time.

August 20

Cannakale - Edirne

Hats off to our tour leader. Apparently, he has been on the phones trying to get us back to Gallipoli and it appears that it may be open. Let's go. Back on the ferry and headed for the battlefields and cemeteries and fortunately they are open. We have all seen the ANZAC Day ceremonies conducted here and there appears to be heaps of room but in reality, it is a very small space. We made our way to ANZAC Cove, Beach Cemetery, Lone Pine and Shrapnel Valley. 

What an experience! 

Back on the bus and off to Erdine where we will say goodbye to our tour leader, Ahmet, and pick up our new leader for the next leg of our journey.
August 21

Erdine - Sofia, Bulgaria

Today was basically a day on the bus and took us an age to get there. The only stops that we had was for pee stops and something to eat. Tomorrow, we hook up with a local guide for a tour around the city.

August 22

Sofia Free Day

We started our tour fairly early in the morning with our local guide and she pointed out a host of old buildings and told us about the significance of them.  Unfortunately, it was hard to hear most of the information and was a bit of a waste. Some sort of communication system would have been helpful.

August 23

Sofia - Skopje - Ohrid, North Macedonia

Today was going to be another long day on the bus - 443 km. We stopped at Skopje in the early afternoon and had a break for lunch and a quick look around. Skopje is the capital of North Macedonia and also the birthplace of Mother Teresa. This town is also big on Alexandra the Great and has a massive statue of him in the city square.

The rest of the day was spent plodding along towards Ohrid which is a resort town on the edge of a massive lake. Beautiful place but very busy.

August 24

Ohrid City Tour

Today we spent some time exploring the old city situated along a hill at the edge of Lake Ohrid.  Someone forgot to charge the camera so, sorry folks no pictures.

August 25

Ohrid, North Macedonia - Durres - Tirana, Albania

After breakfast we were supposed to head towards Durres for a visit to the Archaeological Museum, the Romann Amphitheatre, venetian Tower and walls. Our tour leader heard that they were closed and took us directly to Tirana, Albania. Well, this caused an uproar on the bus and the tour leader became very sheepish. We had plenty of time to check out Tirana which is quite a nice city. On the way to Tirana, our tour leader pointed a huge number to bunkers that were built in the Soviet era in the defense of Albania.

August 26

Tirana - Kruje, Albania - Budva, Montenegro

Back on the bus after breakfast and there was another change in plans. We were indeed heading to towards Durres to check out the sites that are available. These included the Venetian Tower, some of the walls and the Roman Amphitheatre. Needless to say, this caused another uproar on the bus by a few of the people.

Once everyone had settled down, due to the heat, we made our way to Budva, Montenegro and were met by a local guide for a walking tour through the old town. Yes, it is still very hot.

August 27

Budva, Montenegro - Dubrovnik, Croatia.

We arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia and went straight into a walking tour of the Old Town. It was very hot, crowded and took a few hours. A lot of Game of Thrones was filmed here and apparently tourism increased by 40% when it was released. Our tour guide pointed out several places where scenes were filmed, and it was like being in the show.

 The Old Town is in pristine condition despite being through several earthquakes and also the war with Bosnia which destroyed several buildings. However, all of the buildings have since been rebuilt and you would not know that there has been any damage.

August 28

Dubrovnik Free Day

Today we were let loose on the town of Dubrovnik. 8 of us got together and rented a boat along with a driver to take us on a tour on the ocean. Because it was on the water, we did not take a camera with us which is a shame. He took us to the Blue Cave followed by the Green Cave. Nearly everyone dived into both caves except for you author who needed to record it for prosperity.

We then went to a sandy beach and were dropped off for approximately 4 hours where we could have a swim and get a cold drink. We all remarked that the saline level was very high, and it was very easy to float.

Our driver turned up and took us back to Dubrovnik which took about 45 minutes and then we had to find our own way back to our hotel. Great day.

 August 29

Dubrovnik - Split, Croatia

Today we made our way to Split where we were met by our local guide for a tour of some of the old town which included Diocletian's Palace built in approx. 305CE. After the tour we were given some free time to grab some lunch and continue exploring if we wished.

After lunch we went to the Perla Hotel which is a resort some kilometers away from Split. Nice place.

August 30

Split - Plitvice

Today we went to Plitvice National Park which is famous for 16 crystal blue lakes cascading into 92 waterfalls.  On the way to the park, we stopped at roadside food joint for some lunch, and they had some bears in humane size cages for us to check out. Because of the size of the place, we were given a specific area into which we should walk. Some of the walks were up to 8 hours in length - no thanks.

We eventually made it back to the meeting point, but it was a bit of a struggle.


August 31

Plitvice - Croatia - Ljubljana, Slovenia

We had a change of plans today and it was decided that we would visit Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and Ljubljana which would free up the following day to be spent at Bled Lake.

We spent the morning doing a walking tour with a local guide to check out some of the old town and see some of its architecture.

Late in the afternoon we had made our way to Ljubljana for another walking tour with a local guide. This tour took us through some of the market area and ended with a cable car ride to the castle.

September 1

Bled Lake

Today we spent the day at Bled Lake which is apparently one of the best-known natural attractions in Slovenia. It is a huge lake and is surrounded by hotels, cafes and restaurants. In the middle of the lake is an island with a church built on it and is accessible only by going with a boatman for the 25-minute row to the island. Or you can swim. At one end of the lake is an old castle but it is a massive climb to the entrance, so we admired it from the ground.

September 2

Ljubljana Slovenia - Venice, Italy

Today we start our long trek to Venice with a couple of stops along the way. First stop was an outlet mall (similar to DFO) for about a hour and the second stop was a small seaside village called Caorle which was a very picturesque little town and a nice place for lunch.

After lunch we made it to Mestre which was where we were staying. After we had checked into the hotel the bus dropped us off on the outside of Venice and we were given a few hours to explore on our own. Unfortunately, our instructions were a bit obscure and with the help of a local we found our way into Venice.

We found a nice little restaurant and had our evening meal and a couple of drinks then made our way back to the meeting point, then back to the hotel.

September 3

Venice City Tour

Today we were taken on a walking tour of some of Venice by a local guide who explained about all the major buildings around St Marcos Square and then took us to some of the theatres in the area. We were then given nearly six hours on our own to explore. The trek back to the meeting point was a fair way so 14 of us got together and hired a water taxi to get back. This left us if enough time to have a couple of leisurely beers before the bus arrived. Tour completed.


  1. Good to see you are doing heaps of things on Tour, Jorgo. Laughed a lot about the stuck lift episode. Very interesting to read all your travels. Will pass on to the tennis crew tonight. Keep enjoying it all. R

  2. Hi Jorgo & Charmaine.....yeah, got some milage out of the lift episode, so a few more posts like that please, maybe fighting a lion at one of the roman ruins. Seems like a good trip, all going according to plan. tom
